Download Tetris


To download simply right click the link below and save it onto you computer. Make sure you have Java installed, then click into the tetris folder until you find the Tetris.jar. Double click this file to play. (159.3kB)


Now Tetris was a big leap for me. Never before had I attempted to build something so manipulating, and soon I would build an even more complex game called the impossible game. This game took me close to two weeks to finally complete. It had challenges from finding out how to write high scores to a file, to retrieving data from those files, to figuring out how to create all the different shapes and keep them contained within the game board. This game was very fun and challenging and I learned a lot from coding it.

Another very cool feature that I added to this game was the fullscreen capabilities. Now I know that on Windows and possibly Mac it doesn’t look quite fullscreen. But this capability was entirely new and foreign to me. What I did to make it happen was get the total screen width and total screen height, and then scale every single component and object accordingly. It turned out better than I could have imagined. I hope you enjoy it! If you want me to go more in depth into the creation process leave some comments below and let me know and I’ll write a follow up.