Computer Science To English


There are many different types of communities in the world. Sometimes, concepts can get lost in translation when two communities are speaking to each other. These communities can be Computer Science professionals, teachers, firefighters, etc. Each one of these has their own distinct terminologies that can only be understood within the context of that community. So, I have put together a list of terms native to the Computer Science industry.

I will prefix each word with the T for the traditional meaning and CS for the Computer Science meaning. All traditional definitions come from the first definition at unless otherwise noted.


Old-Computer You can see how a bug could get stuck in this.

Characters Characters

Text-editor A programming text editor

Java Java

Ruby A gem, similar to a Ruby


So, as you can see, this list is not comprehensive. But, it covers the most common Computer Science terms that you will encounter when speaking to a Computer Scientist. Hopefully you can use this to decipher some of what they are trying to tell you, but most likely it will be a challenge. Computer Scientists tend to be very abstract!


  1. The third definition on for alpha.
  2. The second definition on for bit.
  3. The second definition on for bug.
  4. The second definition on for java.